15 results found
Founding Fathers Feud
Students review the origins of the Constitution and its predecessor, the Articles of Confederation. They learn about the differences between those who identified as Federalists and Anti-Federalists, and their opinions on a central bank.
Podcast Fiscal Policy
How does the economy get back on track when it’s off course? In this episode of The Economic Lowdown podcast series, you’ll learn about how the government uses fiscal policy to influence the economy.
Fiscal Policy Online Modules for Teachers and Students
Economic concepts such as inflation, unemployment, recession, and economic growth affect people in real ways.
Fiscal Policy Online Modules for Non educators
Economic concepts such as inflation, unemployment, recession, and economic growth affect people in real ways.
The Story of the Federal Reserve System
Read about the Federal Reserve’s structure and key responsibilities as the citizens on Planet Novus work to develop their own central bank.
Great Depression Curriculum Unit
History holds many economic lessons. The Great Depression, in particular, is an event that provides the opportunity to teach and learn a great deal about economics-whether you're studying the economic reasons that the Depression took place, the factors that helped it come to an end or the impact on Americans who lived through it. This curriculum is designed to provide teachers with economic lessons that they can share with their students to help them understand this significant experience in U.S. history.
FRED Activities for AP Macro
This package of 17 brief FRED® activities aligns perfectly with the AP Macroeconomics curriculum. Easy-to-follow instructions guide students as they create basic and advanced graphs using FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data). Each activity includes questions about real data designed to reinforce students’ understanding of fundamental AP Macro concepts. Topics include output, prices, employment, interest rates, and the Phillips curve. Download the complete packet, or pick and choose the activities in any order. As a bonus, students can save graphs to a dashboard linked to their free FRED account. Graphs can be retrieved any time and set to update automatically with the latest data
The Fiscal Ship
Measured as a share of gross domestic product, the federal debt is higher than at any time since the end of World War II, and it’s projected to climb. Policymakers are faced with difficult decisions about how to reconcile government priorities, including retirement and health benefits promised to the growing number of older people, with the tax revenues that the current tax code will yield.The Fiscal Ship game challenges you to put the federal budget on a sustainable course. Your mission is to pick from a menu of tax and spending options to reduce the debt from projected levels over the next 25 years. But budget decisions aren’t only about fiscal sustainability. To win the game, you also must find a combination of policies that match your values and priorities.
Fiscal and Monetary Policy Infographic Classroom Activity
Use real-world applications to help students differentiate between fiscal and monetary policy.
Government Budgets Online Course for Teachers and Students
In this course, your students will play the role of a freshman lawmaker in the U.S. House of Representatives trying to serve his or her constituents' goals and the long-term goals of the United States.